Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Reflections from an Anti-Israel Protest

Dear Henry,
       Today I had the opportunity to observe an anti-Israel protest on campus. Here are some observations: Taking the sage advice I wrote to you last week, ( when I heard a raucous and saw a Palestinian flag, rather then rush to judgement, I decided to go over and take a little looksie for myself. Henry, I got to tell you, what I saw, kind of surprised me. The Palestinian activists were holding one sign, and one sign only. It said, "Black Lives Matter." I thought to myself, "Wow Dan-o, that's a good point. Maybe I should go join them. I do after all, agree one hundred percent that Black lives do in fact matter." Just as I was approaching the group, ready to join them with the Black lives matter theme, I stopped in my tracks as they started shouting like Seattle Seahawks fans after the legendary interception. I heard, "Hey, Hey! Ho Ho! The Zionists must go!" While I gave them some props in my head for the catchy rhythm, I asked myself the following question: Where exactly, pray tell, should they go? Perhaps north to Syria or Lebanon? Maybe Jordan or Egypt? Perhaps further north to Iraq or Iran? Or maybe West to the Mediterranean Sea?
      The second chant was a heck of a lot more agreeable: "Black Lives Matter! Black Lives Matter." "Touche," thought I, and I joined in the chanting.
      The third chant, to be honest with you-- and I will be honest with you-- didn't make any sense to me. They said, "from Furgeson to Palestine, the occupation is a crime!" Firstly, the "occupation" is not a crime. Secondly, as I so wisely tweeted, comparing Furgeson to Palestine is like saying saying the earthquake in Nepal has something to do with the NFL draft.  I fail to see any correlation whatsoever. In fact, I am offended in behalf of Black people. You see, dear Henry, one of the serious frustrations of the Palestinians as that they are subject to checkpoints, and have massive walls around their cities. This understandably might make them flustered, heck; it might make them downright upset, and might make them feel like the victims. However, the reason there are checkpoints, and the reason there are walls, is because when there were not walls, Palestinian terrorists would walk into cafes, and buses, and blow themselves up, murdering hundreds of innocent civilians in the process. When the walls went up, this stopped. Its unfortunate there has to be walls and checkpoints, but history speaks for itself. Where, oh Henry, is there any correlation whatsoever with being Black? Are we implying that Blacks are oppressed because they are like the Palestinians? Is that not insulting to Blacks everywhere? What am I missing here?
     Finally, before I had to leave, a guy got up, and gave what I thought was a fine speech. He concluded with the powerful message that it would be a good idea to put healthier food chains in the the inner city, and that people would therefore eat healthier. Seemed like a fine idea. I clapped. As I walked away from it all, utterly confused at what I just saw, I did realize that there is a heck of a lot we can agree on (in this case that Black lives matter and that eating healthy is awesome), and it would be great if we could focus on that.

Forever yours,
Danny Wolfe

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